Hunting Hemingway
3Soraya, a young woman in Chicago, stumbles upon an old 25 cent copy of Hemingway’s “A Moveable Feast” in a used book store. As she reads the memoir, she is struck by the uncanny parallels between her own life and the author’s experiences. This inspires her to embark on a journey of self-discovery as she sets out to uncover her own remarkable past.
Delire Dream of a Demoness
1,158The book brilliantly balances the thrill of romance with the darkness of the curse, resulting in a compelling read that keeps the reader hooked until the very end. A truly remarkable piece that explores the depths of love, the weight of family history, and the power of breaking free from the chains of the past.
Cortesana Española
2En el corazón de la España del siglo XVII, donde la grandeza de la corte real proyecta largas sombras y susurros de poder llenan el aire, “La Cortesana Encantadora” desarrolla una historia de deseo, ambición y amor prohibido. Esta novela transporta a sus lectores a una era donde la línea entre la opulencia y el peligro es tan delgada como una espada, y los anhelos del corazón pueden ser tanto un arma como una debilidad.
Discordia Sonata
3In a serene Middlewest setting, a series of peculiar and alarming events unfold, beginning with a seemingly innocuous incident. Michael, a devoted husband, is taken aback when he learns that his wife, Sarah, has sustained a mysterious cut on her hand. The injury, though minor, is peculiarly specific: a clean, slender cut across her palm, apparently acquired during an evening of passionate piano playing. The incident, while concerning, is quickly overshadowed by the routines of daily life, until a parallel occurrence brings a chilling sense of déjà vu. At a bustling company Christmas party, Michael is confronted with a shocking revelation when he notices a bandage snugly wrapped around the hand of his coworker, Linda. As conversations flow and confidences are exchanged, Linda reluctantly discloses that she too has suffered a similar cut, its origin as enigmatic as Sarah’s.
Courtisanior Irlandes
406En el corazón verde de Irlanda, entre las colinas y los antiguos castillos que salpican el paisaje, “El abrazo encantador de Irlanda” teje una historia de deseo prohibido, intriga política y el poder inquebrantable del amor. Nuestra historia se desarrolla en el contexto de un año cargado de política, en el que las alianzas son tan volubles como el viento y la lealtad es la moneda de supervivencia.
Connor O’Donnell, famoso por su cautivadora presencia e ingenio, no es un cortesano cualquiera. Un cortesano de habilidad incomparable, tiene la habilidad única de descubrir los deseos más profundos de aquellos con quienes se encuentra. Sin embargo, debajo de su pulido exterior se esconde un alma marcada por un anhelo que no se atreve a confesar: un anhelo profundo y romántico por una mujer que está fuera de su alcance.